In order to improve the world, we need to focus on increasing people's consciousness.
What once seemed appropriate or necessary is now seen as cruel and barbaric, and we must be open to new ways of thinking and being.
We should aim to learn from both experience and the advice of others.
Life can be tough, and there's no denying that. And having a better understanding of how life operates could help you navigate the difficulties.
While moments of silence and reflection can help us grow as individuals, it is equally important to joyfully engage in whatever task we are currently undertaking. We must remember that we are all essential pieces in the great machinery of life.
The Yogis find religions to be good, but they encourage us to see them for what they are. A tool to help people find meaning and purpose in their lives.
As the sun is reflected in the ocean, and in every tiny drop of the ocean; so is the Absolute (God), reflected in each manifestation as a soul.
By recognizing the aliveness of everything around us, we can develop a deeper appreciation for the world we live in, and a greater sense of connection to all living and apparently non-living things.
The blood is responsible for nourishing and vitalizing all parts of the body. The blood is the life and you make the blood. Nourish yourself properly.
All problems stem from a lower level of consciousness, they are symptoms of the current average mindset of the human race.
Watch a child sleep, and what it does after going to bed, and try to follow its plan as nearly as possible. Be a child when you go to bed.
The Yogis teach that our physical health depends very materially upon correct breathing. Our mental power, happiness, self-control, clarity, morals, and even ou